17 November 2006

Reflections: Blest be the Tie

Blest be.

Blest be; be honored, be gifted, be highly esteemed, be blessed by God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Blest be the tie that binds.

The tie that binds, that draws and holds together in unity and community; one unifying element with power to protect and keep, with strength to deliver and save, with might to cause to endure and persevere ...that melds men and women from different races, different backgrounds, different careers, different interests, different social strata, into one living, breathing, holy organism ...that makes the weak strong; the poor, rich; the dead, alive; the blind see.

Blest be the tie that binds our hearts.

Our hearts, once stone, now flesh ...once beating selfishly for ourselves, now beating selflessly for those around us ...now beating for and because of the Great God Himself ...once broken, now mended; once stained, now clean; once still, now beating; once enslaved, now free.

Blessed be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love.

In Christian love that seeks the Father’s will, and seeks our own will only when it is in harmony with the will of the Father ...that serves others, having been so greatly served by our King ...that rejoices not when a brother falls, but looks to cover a multitude of sins ...that loves Him because He first loved us ...that never fails.

The fellowship.

The fellowship, the bearing of each other’s burdens and the sharing of each other’s joys ...the coming together to give thanks, as one voice, to the Giver of all good things ...the standing together as those united under one Head, Christ, in one Body, His.

The fellowship of kindred minds.

Kindred minds, students of the Word that gives life and hope and peace, the Word of God ...believers in the blessed hope that is found only in Jesus Christ our Lord ...viewing the world through the lens of Holy Scripture ...thinking on the things of God ...possessing the mind of Christ.

The fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above.

Is like to that above, the precious fellowship of the saints who have gone before us, who rest in the presence of Almighty God, awaiting together the resurrection and glorification of their bodies ...the perfect, holy fellowship of the Trinity; indeed, such a fellowship that though Three in Persons, is one in essence.

Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love;

The fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above.

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